
Premium Twitter Ghostwriting


Too busy? Don’t know how to leverage Twitter?Find skilled, high-grade ghostwriters to handle your Twitter account and growth for you.

Our prices begin at USD$ 1000/mo

What we offer

Get introduced to top ghostwriters

We hand-pick every single ghostwriter who joins our service. Meaning we ask for proof of (good) work, references, and train them to use our service to serve their clients.


Establish a trustful relationship

We help setup a contract between you and your ghostwriter(s), make it very clear what is to be expected, and handle payments.

Everything happens in a secure, best-in-class Twitter tool

Our ghostwriters use Tweet Hunter* to send over your content for validation. Meaning you don't need to give away your Twitter credentials and won't lose control.

Tweet Hunter is included for free for all ghostwriting clients. Learn more about Tweet Hunter's features here.


Watch your Twitter grow

Remain focused on core aspects of your business while you let first-class service providers take care of building your audience.

More questions?

What is Twitter ghostwriting?

A ghostwriter is someone who writes content for you. Originally, ghostwriters mainly wrote books for people who were better skilled at other tasks than writing.Twitter ghostwriting is quite similar. Ghostwriters lend their skills to people who have a tough time creating content that drives engagement and business results.This helps clients free up their time to focus on better-suited and high-value tasks, while still getting the results you expect when building a personal brand on Twitter.

What services are typically provided by a Twitter ghostwriter?

Ghostwriters may provide a variety of services related to Twitter.The most common services are writing tweets and Twitter threads on a regular basis. Nearly all ghostwriters will provide those services.Some additional services may be provided by some ghostwriters, such as doing outreach through DMs, handling your DM inbox, or engaging on other people's tweets.All those significantly contribute to your account's growth and the business results you drive from Twitter.

How do you know if a ghostwriter is any good?

Well, that's the thing. It can be tough to distinguish a good ghostwriter and a bad one. Because the skill involved is "writing", many people think they can provide that service even though they are not particularly skilled or experienced.You might think a good Twitter ghostwriter necessarily has a huge audience, but that's not always the case. And those who do have a gigantic audience usually have limited time to serve their clients.This is where we come in. Every single ghostwriter we select has been vetted according to high standards. We make sure they create great content that performs well, they can adapt to various niches, and they know how to build a good client-provider relationship.

I don't want to give away my account credentials to a ghostwriter.

That's good, because you don't have to. Sharing login information with someone you don't know requires a great deal of trust. And though we know our ghostwriters are trustworthy, it's always better to feel secured.Using our service, any tasks related to writing tweets or threads will be 100% handled through Tweet Hunter, our Twitter tool, to which we have added ghostwriting features.You'll be able to share access to your account to ghostwriters, and they'll be able to send content your way and schedule it for publication. All without sharing any login information.

What happens after I request access?

We are currently taking in clients one by one. There are currently people in the waitlist, but we're confident we can reach out to you pretty soon.Once you're in, you'll be able to subscribe to a plan which will give you monthly credits to spend on ghostwriting services. You'll be able to spend your credits however you want, on one or multiple ghostwriters.For the most part, the rest will happen in Tweet Hunter (a Twitter tool we've built and trusted by 2500+ people).
